Volunteers play a crucial role in our ability to help individuals and families in Daviess, Greene, Knox and Sullivan Counties. We are making a major difference in many lives, but we couldn't do it without the hundreds of volunteers who help us each and every day. Volunteering is good for our community, good for us and good for you.
You Can:
Stay young at heart
Grow from the experience
Feel a sense of accomplishment
Tackle new challenges
Set a positive example
Add sunshine to someone's day
Feel good about yourself
Count your blessings
Be part of the solution
Make new friends
The list goes on and on....
Opportunities are available for you to help with projects that directly impact lives and the futures of children, individuals and families. All volunteer opportunities come with training and support, offer a chance to get involved…and make a difference!
We would be happy to come and speak to your group or organization on how we impact the community with our programs and services.
There is something for everyone. Here's just a sampling:
Are you an avid reader? Share that love of books with children and adults.
Do you enjoy adventures? Join in a field trip.
Is your student or youth group looking for a project? Help keep our facilities looking nice by offering your mowing or landscaping services.
Do you love to organize? You can help take inventory, help with filing, shredding, or other office duties.
Are you a kid at heart? Help in the classroom-you can color, sing, and enjoy all kinds of fun learning activities.
There is so much more- share your time, talents and heart. Be someone's hero and volunteer!
You can get started by contacting Deb Reynolds, at 812.882.7927 ext. 1215.